"This was so helpful and enlightening. I've had injuries from working with horses all my life. This really helped me to be able to move my neck again without the pain I'd had for so long. I also learned that I had forgotten how to breath! Thank you Matthew! (L. Brenner)
"Matthew's gift as a teacher/yoga therapy practicioner is his ability to stand with you and hold a vision of your health and well-being even when you are unable to see it yourself. I began practice with Matthew in Silver City, NM, and left the area to pursue further education. In his commitment of support, we arranged to have our yoga sessions via Skype to maintain the continuity essential for change. I am very grateful to Matthew for all he generously provided in our life changing one-on-one sessions". (DKC, Bryn Mawr, PA.)
"After 3 months of yoga therapy and changing my dietary habits, my high blood pressure came down to a normal and safe level. I also learned how to mediate the stress levels my professional life was creating. It was so empowering to see that I could take care of my stress (and hypertension) without resorting to medications of any kind. Going forward, I now know taking care of myself is something I can integrate into my otherwise busy life! (J. Keller)
"Matthew's powerful one-on-one yoga sessions began with an in-depth assessment in order for him to tailor a personalized practice designed to address my specific health and wellness concerns. During the course of my work with Matthew, I have learned how to direct my attention to a mindful and enduring awareness of the breath. In learning to calm the breath I am supported in internalizing an enduring quietness and peace which inform my daily life, reducing my stress and re-calibrating my health. Thank you, Matthew, for this truly transformative practice. (RSJ)