LOW BACK PAIN: Prevalence and Statistics

  1. Research has shown that 20.5% of people in the world suffer from chronic pain. In the USA, 4 out of 5 Americans have experienced either intermittent or chronic back pain. (NIH)

  2. In Germany, research indicates that 28.8% of the population has experienced intermittent or chronic back pain. (National Center for Biomed Research International/MCBI)

  3. In all cases, there is a correlate between chronic low back pain and 1. Depression 2. Sleep loss and 3. Employment instability.

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HIP PAIN: Imbalance and Dysfunction

  1. Hip pain and immobility are rooted in the complex interplay of the following factors: 1. Age 2. Developmental Disorders 3. Race 4. Gender 5. Genetics 6. Occupation 7. Sports Exposure 8. Previous Injury 9. Body Mass Index. (NCBI)

  2. Statistics: In a recent study, almost half of the symptomatic respondents (40.7%) had unilateral problems affecting one hip or knee joint (often related).

  3. The following interventions are implemental in hip care : 1. Patient Education 2. Gait and Balance Training 3. Manual Therapy 4. Flexibility, Strength,, and Endurance Training.* (NCBI)

    *Note: all of these interventions can be found in curative yoga practice.



In this 2 1/2 hour workshop, we will examine the physiology of the the low back and hips and explore how:

  1. Each reflect specific conditions that may related to physical or mental/emotional imbalances.

  2. Stability and relieving pain in the low back and hips begins with awareness of the root cause and a patient relationship to the healing process.

  3. Fine tuning one’s yoga practice (movement, breathing, alignment, mindfulness, etc.) can lead to pain reduction and the recovery of ease in the low back and hips.


  • We will begin with an introduction to familiarize and highlight the conditions we are each experiencing in these two areas of the body.

  • A 40 minute discussion about the physiology of the low back and hips, and how they are affected by a variety of physical, experiential, and emotional factors.

  • A short break, followed by a 45 minute practice focusing on interoception, alignment, movement, and breathing to relieve low back/hip tension and pain.

  • A break, followed by a 40 minute discussion/practice fine tuning gentle movemenet, alignment and breath to develop long term practices for maintaining low back and hip health.
