The neck and shoulders are areas where many of us accumulate and hold tension in the body. This can happen for many reasons, whether from repetitive movement or the build up of stressors we face as we make our way through our daily lives.

Yoga is a practice that is well suited to bring relief to the tension we experience in this part of the body, as yoga can address this condition both at the level of physiology and emotional imbalance.


In this 2 1/2 hour workshop, we will examine the physiology of the neck and shoulder areas and explore how:

  1. Tension situates itself in the neuro/muscular aspects of the neck and shoulders.

  2. Through specific movements, breathing, and visualization we can begin to release neck/shoulder pain.

  3. Ways to maintain ease and well being in the neck/shoulder area.


  • We will begin with an introduction to find out what kinds of difficulties we are each experiencing in the neck/shoulders.

  • A 40 minute discussion about the physiology of the neck and shoulders, and how it is affected by chronic, repetitive movement and emotional stressors.

  • A short break, followed by a 45 minute practice focusing on movement, self-massage, and breathing to relieve neck/shoulder tension.

  • A break, followed by a 40 minute discussion/practice utilizing visualization, interoception and breath to develop long term techniques for maintaining shoulder and neck health.